Monday, February 01, 2010

Goodbye to the Smylies

We had a farewell party for the Smylies this Saturday. At the risk of making a complete understatement, I am going to miss Rebecca. Here are some pictures from the party:

We usually don't do group party shots, but one of the guests requested it and I am glad we did it.

Erica and I are due the exact same day (April 10) and Sunny (in the middle) is due in one month. Apparently, we all wore black thinking that it would be "slimming."

And why are the kids in the bath in the middle of a party you ask? Well, the little ones (Addy, Harper, and Lulu) had marched upstairs and into to girls' room all by themselves (I am sure this was Lulu's idea) and decided to take off their diapers and pull-ups and put on some princess pull-ups (again, Lulu's idea). One of them (identity concealed to protect the innocent) had some major poo in her pull-up and it got all over the girls and the room. That little girl's parents spent a while cleaning the room (it wasn't us, luckily) and then the girls all got in the bath. (addendum: before I realized where the poo was and the extent of the disaster, I knelt down to clean off the girls and landed in the pile.)

Lulu was asking for Addy today and I had to tell her that she was gone. It was so great that they had a few years to be friends (or at least ride side by side in strollers as their moms walked Central Park).


Brecken said...

Mehrsa! You Look amazing! You are soooo tiny. Lucky girl. sorry about the poo incident...they are no fun :) so excited for your new job. Congrats again.

Annie said...

I am sad for you! I hate when friends leave. especially great ones like ms. rebecca m. City living. they come, they go, you stay. sounds like a great party...poop and all.

Jordan and Candice said...

I am dying at the 4th picture down of the look on Harper's face. That is hilarious. I am so sad for these little girls to be split apart who love each other so much.

Thanks for hosting such a great party. It was so fun to all be together. No words can describe how much the Smylies will be missed.

Amberli said...

oh i'm so sad for you that rebecca has moved. where did they go? i suppose being separated was inevitable since you've got a move coming up soon too. are you excited? we east coasters are so very sad to lose you guys! and you look incredible, so beautiful with you little baby belly!

MaryClaire Brown said...

i'm so sad for you that rebecca moved...if only she was coming here. and, really you look amazing, and make me look like a cow. for some reason i (and i'm mostly referring to the belly) am so much bigger with this one, and i keep thinking that it's just because it's my 3rd. But there you go ruining that theory for me because you are tiny, and it's your third, and i'm only due a week before you. oh well.

Trisha said...

Are you really due in two months? WHERE IS YOUR BELLY? You are one tiny girl. And you look great!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness those pictures of the post-poo girls are priceless. So sad they've lost their Addy. So, so sad for all of us. Thank you for the lovely party and opportunity to say goodbye. -Jess

Britney said...

I love the pictures of the girls in their towels. Harper's faces are hilarious.

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

I had no idea they were leaving! So sad and we're not even there anymore. The girls look so adorable together. Sorry about the poo story...always slightly scary when kids get sneaky and creative!

sunny said...

I like to think that the more subdued looks on Harper's face are a result of her feeling remorse/embarrassment for what happened upstairs.

I also like to think of seeing these girls getting together again. Hopefully soon.

I do not like to think of that picture of me posted all over the internets. It's a wake up call. I need to lose some weight.

Jodi said...

The pics of the girls are fabulous! They are all adorable!

Katie said...

It's so nice to see all that's happening in NYC! I'm sad to hear the Smylies are leaving. I hardly knew them and I feel out of the loop! congrats on your pregnancy! You look wonderful!

M.fat said...

Girls !!!towels!!!!mothers!!!!pregnants!!!

so cute

M.fat said...

Girls !!!towels!!!!mothers!!!!pregnants!!!

so cute

Likely said...

Yeah, where are the smylies going? I guess I should check her blog :)

such a fun party and what great friends to throw it.

that poop stuff was hilarious. well, to me. not to you I am sure! It made for some GREAT pictures!

The Gainors said...

so sad. that poor ward. can't wait for you to join the semi-west coast.