Monday, July 26, 2010


I ask you: Is she not the most adorable baby you have ever seen? (beware: photo overload below)

This is Ramona with her gorgeous little friend, Stella, who was born just a week before her in NYC:

I guess baby girl got my chicken legs.

Monday, July 19, 2010

We moved to Utah!

We thought it would be a more wholesome place to raise the kids...

(candy cigarettes...duh)

Ode to Eric and Shayna

They drove our 26 foot truck across the country, pulled our car behind, and drove their car behind that. They would not be talked out of it. And they pretended like it was an adventure. And the thing is, these guys just do this kind of stuff. They are those kinds of friends.

Rockaway Beach

I forgot to post these Rockaway beach pics...

Ice Cream on the sidewalk:

And some of Ramona:

At the rehearsal dinner:

Friday, July 02, 2010

Lancaster County

We went to Lancaster County to see the Amish and our friends, who are a lot like the amish if you ask me.

We put the kids to bed in different tents and we could hear Lulu and Cyra talking for a while. It was so cute. They had flashlights that they would turn on and just whisper and laugh and feel like they were getting away with murder. And then they just crashed.

Cinnamon buns for breakfast from the Amish.

Amish country:

What was really amazing about the whole thing was how integrated the Amish are with the rest of the community. They don't really live in a separate area. We would pass a few houses and some would have a few cars in the driveway and the others would have buggies and horses. Trippy. You would think on occasion that the Amish would just "borrow" their friends' washing machines or vacuums.

The kids loved this.

Darian got licked in the ear by a cow, but it's clear why they would choose him to lick.

And well-fed cows make good ice cream:

Don't mean to get junior high on you or anything, but the actual name of the main Amish town just happens to be "Intercourse." How's that for a people with a sense of humor?