Wednesday, July 22, 2009


One of my earliest memories of a dog was when a stray one came into my neighborhood in Tehran and my uncle and my dad went out and shot it. I was relieved. I can't say my feelings for dogs has improved over time. I was not a child who ever wanted a dog (not that my parents would have ever considered it). It grosses me out when people kiss their dogs or even co-habitate with them. In fact, I would vote for legislation that made them illegal in the city so I wouldn't have to see and occasionally step in all the dog excrement on the sidewalks.

So, how did I end up with two little girls who absolutely adore "puppies"?! They go crazy when they see them and will chase them around the park or sidewalk until their owner has to politely make up an excuse for why they have to leave.

Whenever Cyra sees a puppy, she marches up to the owner and asks the same 4 questions:
1. Is he friendly?
2. What does he eat?
3. Does he like bones?
4. Where does he sleep?

All of Cyra's toys are puppies and we are constantly playing "puppy puppy" (tangent: Cyra's games always involve two words like this: puppy puppy; princess princess; camping camping; run run kill kill; wrestle wrestle).

So as I have spent countless hours on the floor barking like a puppy, I have come a little closer to understanding the appeal of dogs. Now, when I see them, I no longer cringe or roll my eyes, I point with the girls and say "puppy"! (another tangent: the girls (and I) call all dogs puppies. One day, we were passing by a gentleman walking his two very small dogs and we yelled "puppies" in unison and he turned to us, and sternly said: they are full-grown dogs. NOT puppies).


buchanancasa said...

I had lots of rules when it came to us deciding to get a dog. We would get ONE over the course of our lives. It had to be a pug, small and manageable, although he sneezes a lot which is gross. We would get it when the kids are little and actually care. Also, I preferred him fat and cuddly and not in need of much exercise, but as of now, he keeps up with me on my runs, so no luck there. We try to keep him off the furniture. The kids usually win on that one. But they love him!

noelle regina said...

BRILLIANT - leading with the "is he friendly"

Matt's the same way about dogs - usually would cross the street to avoid them. I on the other hand approached every pitbull in Harlem. Luckily my neighbor has 4 dogs that she lets me walk and play with whenever I want. I'm even dogsitting for her this weekend. PUPPIES! (coincidentally puppy happens to be one of the dog's names)

Trisha said...

I had to give in this year to getting a family dog...and I feel the same way you do about dogs. I know this sounds funny, but at least it isn't a steer. Rusty raised steers for 4H and wants our girls to do the same. So...I consider a dog a better option right now.

Brecken said...

I feel the same way about dogs!!! My kids love them. London does the same as your girls when she sees "Puppies" in the park. ...we've bought a fish to bide our time for now.

nyc_ransoms said...

I agree that it is so gross when people kiss their dogs. yuck! AND I fully support any legislation that would rid the city streets of excrement.

Ramona said...

Clooney says give in!! Just love dogs like the girls! Tell Cyra and Lulu Clooney is here waiting to play with them at any time!! Too bad he can't come to Newport--hee, hee!!

Amberli said...

mehrs, why don't you go ahead and write up that little piece of legislation and not only will i vote for it, i'll go knocking door to door mission style and get the rest of the sane world to vote for it too! amen sister!

ChrisC said...

Just surrender

scott and linds said...

sounds like you might actually be opening up to the idea of owning one someday ;)

Chelsea said...

You know I'm totally with you on this one. I even carry dog-hate one step further and sometimes let out a scream if a one tries to approach me. This has been a source of embarrassment on a couple of different visiting teaching routes.

I'm happy to say that Henry has shown no special affinity for dogs, so we are at peace...for now.

alexandra said...

Please post a video of you playing puppy puppy with the girls (the part where you bark).

It saddens me that you don't like dogs. In the abstract, I understand the strangeness of living iwth animals. But dogs can be really really great.