Sunday, July 19, 2009


We raced Sunny and Marc around the lake and Cyra got very competitive. She would get mad when we were behind them and then she wouldn't let me row because I would slow us down.

She made Jared do it.

And then we saw these ominous clouds:

So we (Jared) booked it back to the dock and we ran inside the boat house and a second later, there was a massive downpour. Then our friends, Jeff and Emily, who happened to be driving through Central Park saved us from the rain and gave us a ride home. The End.


alexandra said...

Love your dress!

What a fun day. You captured it so nicely in all these photos. This is one of those posts that I can envision you and your kids reading 30 years from now and feeling really nostalgic about it all, wondering where all that time went. I hope Lulu has that same enormous happy smile.

scott and linds said...

Awesome! I love those boats- even in the rain! Your girls are SO SO SO adorable! I miss seeing them every week. Say hello for me! Looks like you're having a fun summer!