Friday, July 02, 2010

Lancaster County

We went to Lancaster County to see the Amish and our friends, who are a lot like the amish if you ask me.

We put the kids to bed in different tents and we could hear Lulu and Cyra talking for a while. It was so cute. They had flashlights that they would turn on and just whisper and laugh and feel like they were getting away with murder. And then they just crashed.

Cinnamon buns for breakfast from the Amish.

Amish country:

What was really amazing about the whole thing was how integrated the Amish are with the rest of the community. They don't really live in a separate area. We would pass a few houses and some would have a few cars in the driveway and the others would have buggies and horses. Trippy. You would think on occasion that the Amish would just "borrow" their friends' washing machines or vacuums.

The kids loved this.

Darian got licked in the ear by a cow, but it's clear why they would choose him to lick.

And well-fed cows make good ice cream:

Don't mean to get junior high on you or anything, but the actual name of the main Amish town just happens to be "Intercourse." How's that for a people with a sense of humor?


Allison and Noah Riley said...

Beautiful photos! I especially loved the one with the laundry hanging out to dry. But it does beg the question... what about winter?

Hope Utah is treating you well!

shayna said...

I love it when you get all Junior High on us.

Likely said...

darn! We live an hour from there. it would have been fun to meet up. what park was that??

Trisha said...

One of my favorite parts of a back east trip in high school was visiting the Amish community. It is SO beautiful there. Sometimes I envy their simplicity of their lifestyle...but I do like my washing machine and cars!

Unknown said...

Lovely pics. We've visited a few times and I am always in awe with simple beauty of their way of life. I want to know where that park is with the whirly-gig. I seriously want to play there.

mahya said...

this is a beautiful place...I love your pictures

Levi Smylie said...

I've been thinking of some more bumper sticker/t-shirt ideas for Jared ever since that weekend.

You were talking about the Wilsons when you said friends like the Amish, right?

(This is Rebecca, by the way)

Sunny said...

The Wilsons? Who is the one making homemade cheese and yogurt, Rebecca? I guess when you consider that Marc rides a bike around most of the time and I don't wear make-up it's easy to see how we are like a young Amish couple.