Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Stars are just like us?

We sometimes see big and minor celebrities just walking around the city and I have NEVER, ever, asked for an autograph or taken a picture or anything like that. We saw this minor celebrity THREE times in one night! And then, we were on the same subway home just standing next to each-other. It was very weird--so we talked and I took a picture with him.

Nobody on the subway knew who he was or seemed to care.


Sunny said...

Celebrity sightings in New York are awesome. Remember when we saw Hurley from LOST and Jared introduced himself. Too bad you didn't get a picture of that.

Rebecca Smylie said...

If I ever see Jesse from Bachelorette, I will then know how you felt to see this guy three times. That's A LOT. You should have given him a Book of Mormon.

lucy said...

Good for you! He looks ecstatic to be taking a picture with you.

Allison and Noah Riley said...

I'm impressed you recognized him - I admit I had to click the link!

Chelsea said...

you guys look like you could be related. maybe you should try out for A.I.

Lizzie said...

That rocks.