Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Princess and the fading childhood

My daughter wanted to be a princess for halloween. Any normal mommy and daddy would have just sucked it up, taken her to the halloween store and gotten her a nice princess outfit.

But not us. First, her dad tried to convince her to be a soccer princess for the ward party:

Then for her school, I dressed her up as a Persian princess:

She came home from school and said: Mom, I don't want to be a Persian princess. I want to be a pretty princess (Emphasis on the pretty).

So, when it was time to go trick-or-treating, Jared and I had to suck up our paternalistic gender consciousness and just let the girl be a pretty princess:

And we went Trick-or-treating in Harlem (specifically Astor row and Striver's row--we're not messing around):

And totally scored! I don't know if you can tell by the pictures, but these wonderful people who clearly understand the true spirit of Halloween are giving out full goody bags of candy.

Trick-or-treating at the bodega.

And then, this random man who was just walking on the street put some candy in Cyra's bucket:

And then as we were just walking along, this man stopped us and said he liked Cyra's princess outfit and gave her a DOLLAR BILL!!! I am telling you. Harlem knows how to do Halloween.

Hediyeh with the pretty princess.

I am the Dow. I didn't dress up for trick-or-treating. We went to a nice party at our friend's Marci and Dan's house afterwards. I was in the shower and had the genius idea of being the Dow for Halloween. I would dress all in red, etc. I was giddy making my costume thinking that I was the biggest genius who ever lived for having thought up such an ingenious idea. I show up to the party (of about 20 people) and there was another Dow! Maybe someone told him about my idea?.... Stanton Jones is my new nemesis.

And Lucia was a skunk for three reasons: 1. She cannot speak so she couldn't protest; 2. Rebecca was nice enough to lend us a hand-me-down skunk costume and 3. She actually stinks. My beloved Lucia is one of the sweatiest sleepers in the world. She lives in my closet and when I open the door in the morning a waft of pungent baby sweat odor sweeps across the room. It makes my eyes water and wakes Jared up if he's not already (I write in superlative, but only to make a truthful point).

When Cyra saw Lucia's costume, she suggested that we put her on the road. (In San Francisco, we saw a dead skunk in the road and we told Cyra that he was just hanging out there).


e said...

that last line made me laugh out loud. kids don't forget anything.

cyra makes a VERY pretty-soccer-persian princess. i gave into a walmart black spiderman this year. a seriously BAD costume. sometimes it's not worth the battle.

Trisha said...

I think she is a pretty princess in all of her princess forms! She would love to live at my house with all of this pink everywhere!

Amberli said...

oh i hate to say it but we had a dow at our halloween party as well. and he won "scariest" costume. he wasn't nearly as hot as you though!!! your kiddos are so cute! so pretty and so stinky all together! i'm glad harlem is such a hot spot for trick-or-treating? who knew?

lucy said...

awesome! There's this cute little Halloween book we read. It was about his little girl who wanted to be a monster but her parents wanted her to be a butterfly or a spanish dancer. Anyhow, she went as a monster and didn't win a prize at school but her parents did when they wore those exact costumes that grandma made for them instead. In the end it showed the little girl dreaming about what her parent's will wear the next year to win first prize. Anyhow, we really do try to persuade what the costumes should be but in the end they do make the choice.

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

I always wanted to be a pretty princess for Halloween growing up so I sympathize with Cyra's choice. I love that you guys tried your best to keep her from being predictably girly. Nice try but us girly girls usually win in the end:) j/k Halloween in Harlem is a great place to be, I'm glad it went so well for your beautiful, although partially stinky, girls!

Sunny said...

This is much nicer to read than the other things I was reading today. I love the last picture of Lucia without both shoes on, an apple in one hand, a bag of candy in the other, pacifier in her mouth. She is such a crazy, lovable girl.

naomi megan. said...

i love the reasons you list for lucia's skunk costume. how great.

your dow costume really was so clever.

and yes, harlem does do halloween like no other!
too bad i'm too old for trick or treating.... i love candy in my yogurt in the morning. {specifically frozen snicker bars....} don't tell my husband.

your family is lovely.

Rebecca Smylie said...

I had a thought--what if we try cover them in pink and princess. Every day. Backpacks, pencil cases, high heels, make-up kits. Think she'll want to be a soccer player for Halloween next year? Please try. Let me know how it goes. Then I'll do it with mine.

Also, this blog does make me laugh every time I read it. The skunk stuff. The roadkill...

Chelsea said...

Ahaha! I love "No Mom, I want to be a pretty princess." Classic. I commend you for trying to at least tame the princess beast.

Nice costume, and whats-his-name totally stole your idea. No doubt you looked better.

I love stinky Lucia. Adorable.

Lizzie said...

I love your costume! Very creative & timely. Glad you are doing well!

- Lizzie (Ada's sister)

Jodi said...

I love your picture with you as the DOW. You look so pleased with your costume! I think it was a great idea, even if there was someone else at the party with the same costume...I'm sure you two were the only two in NY.:)

Brecken said...

I loved your costume idea. The Dow..great. Sorry someone else was as ingenius as you were. The ever present princess costume is hopefully a fad that will be outgrown sooner than later.

Sara said...

Don't worry M, Rachel is totally over the princess thing- way over. She has given away most of the dress up stuff and now "light blue, light yellow and light orange" are her favorite colors. I am still so happy to have contributed the tiara to that great costume! How are the boots working out? Lulu can stink up my closet anytime.

celeste said...

This post made me lol!

Emily said...

I am so glad that we haven't reached the princess phase yet, though I am sure it is only a matter of time. Tyler's sisters played barbies with her in the spring and I almost lost it? Seriously. I knew this Halloween may have been the last for us to choose the costume, so we had fun with it. I mean, if Cyra wants to be a 'pretty princess' then it can happen to anyone, right?

Jordan and Candice said...

Thank you for making my day. This post was hysterical.

duke of earl said...

I agree, the DOW costume was genius...

Jared said...

I just noticed that Jared has a wedgie in the bodega pic. Not that I was looking at his butt or anything.

- Angelina Jolie