Monday, November 17, 2008


The yield from a pomegranate is not really worth the effort it requires, but when I was growing up, my mother would peel the pomegranate and put the seeds in a bowl for me to eat. We ate a lot of pomegranates at my house and my mother's fingers were often black. When we go home, my mother still does it. We roll out a big white sofreh (cloth) in the living room and my mom peels pomegranates and we eat them. I have joked with my mom several times that when my kids want pomegranate, I will hand them a knife and a bib.

Not so. Cyra wanted one and I happily peeled one for her and when she was done I asked her if she wanted more. Love is peeling a pomegranate.

(Jared didn't get one because he was on the couch trying to read really fast and finish my book before I did. Love is competitive reading?)

Oh, and don't mind the hair in the pictures. Jared got out the bones (what Cyra calls rubber bands and bows) and did their hair. Love is sitting still while your dad puts a "Who" ponytail on the top of your head even though you would rather be destroying something.


Anonymous said...

One more reason you have the nicest mom. Yes. Love is peeling a pomegranate for someone. Marc, did you read this?

Sara said...

Ohhhh, that IS love. So is changing diapers.

Brecken said...

washing, cooking, pealing, changing, cleaning. Pretty much anything with an -ing attached involves some sort of love. You're a great mom.

Ramona said...

Oh that is a lovely post and you are a loving mom. I want to try to indulge my kids more--that does not come easily to me! I just thought of your mom the other day as I was eating yogurt which could have been a little old. Then, I thought well, it's yogurt right--it's old by nature. So I ate it anyway and no one got sick! So, maybe love is also feeding your kids old yogurt.

Aaron said...

Yum! We used to have a pomegranate tree in our backyard. My brothers and I regularly enjoyed eating them and having wars with them. We would pelt each other with the little seeds and come in with our shirts stained. Oh my poor mother.

Brittany said...

What a great mommy you are! Your two girls are lucky to have you! BTW they are so stinkin cute!

Beck said...

My heart is so full reading your blog. Your girls are so beautiful!

The Gainors said...

that is love. and i just barely read the princess/halloween blog. what self control. i gave into that horrible princess thing so long ago. i thought i should send Cyra micahlyn's dress-up clothes that are too small but then i thought that jared probably wouldn't let her wear them. you know she's gonna rebel in junior high and wear pink everyday.

Oliver & Margy said...

Love, pomegranates, pony tails, this post... all really are wonderful things.

Rebecca Smylie said...

I thought about this post today as I saw that pomegraneta are on sale at Garden of Eden. And I felt small--and unloving--and I passed them by with thoughts of, "are they really worth it?"

Ashley said...

Oh your family is so beautiful! I was catching up on your last several posts and I love those little girls in their costumes. Wish we were there to do Halloween the Harlem way!
I do have a secret for peeling pomegranates. Its only slightly faster but less juicy mess. Fill up a bowl of water (big enough to fit both hands and the pomegranate). Crack open the pomegranate, submerge a portion of it under the water, and with your fingers pull out the kernels. You can pull out lots at once and they float to the bottom while the skin stuff floats to the top. Its time consuming enough though to show much love in doing it.

Trisha said...

Love, yes. And so yummy and worth the effort!

Sara said...

which book is Jed trying to hurry up and finish? I need a good non parenting/self help book. Fiction, take me away.

rubi said... is my dad peeling a pomegranate for me and eating it together. my parents are coming to visit this week and i made sure to buy one for us to share. (just one because they're kind of pricey) love also included my dad giving me a "who" ponytail when i was little. i LOVED reading this post!

Amberli said...

you're such a good mommy!

Chelsea said...

Love Lucia's hair. Nice work Jared.

On the pomegranates, Narima is the best and I'm glad to see you are adopting some of her greatness. It's all about food.