Monday, September 29, 2008

Mandatory first day of school picture in front of the house

Cyra goes to pre-school two days a week. It's not very rigorous. (We applied for some better programs (a.k.a. Harvard feeders), but Cyra's math scores were a little disappointing. Maybe we'll have better luck with Lulu.*) They do Yoga, Music, Drama, and snacks. But I think it's all just a little too scary. The other day, I picked her up and she ran to me ready to burst into tears. Then she held on to my neck as hard as she could until we got home. Here's how it went:

How was school?
It was a hard day.
Because I cried at school.
Aww. Sorry. Why did you cry at school?
Because it was a hard day.
Why was it a hard day?
because I cried at school....etc.

The conversation went on like this for a while and I still don't know what made the day so hard and which came first, the crying or the "hard"-ness.

Did I mention that one of the classroom aides told me that she thinks Cyra needs a belt for her pants:

Maybe it's just too early to be sending her out into the world--totally exposed.

*I am just kidding about applying to pre-schools and not getting in. She can't even take the standardized tests until next year and you better bet her Kaplan class will prepare her for the math section... ;)


Spencer said...

Oh how I agree with Cyra. I am convinced that it is sooo hard being a child...and I am not joking. I know they have to grow up at some point, but how scary for them to be so little and to have to leave home to be surrounded by a bunch of strangers. Now you know I am not a against preschool, but just think of how that would feel to a child. It must be sooooo scary. The program sounds fun though. Hope she feels better about it soon. Pobrecita.

Annie said...

sounds like the perfect place for me and two days a week is perfect! just a little, but not too much. that is too funny about her pants. Kate's crack was always showing. In fact, we've give up on normal pants and only wear yoga pants. who needs a belt when you've got an elastic waist band? cyra is adorable. thanks for sharing the mandatory pics.

Rebecca Smylie said...

Yes, I love that the pic is "mandatory." And feel the essentialness of the final shot as well. Sweet Cyra. I think we're going to hire a resume coach for when Addy needs to get into a good pre-school. I know they say not to do a video, but I don't know if we'll be able to help ourselves... Luckily, Erica is on the selection committee at Dalton.

Trisha said...

Love the "need the belt" picture. She really is a doll!

noelle regina said...

i always have a hard time with yoga. maybe cyra does too?

alexandra said...

She is the cutest little girl. I would wear the shirt she has on, too.

I will pray for you guys that she can catch up academically before her entire future is ruined.

Kelley said...

Did they really tell you that she needs a belt?!

Cute pics.

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

Cyra is a doll and getting so big. I'm looking forward to the day I send my kids off to school but not of the day of finding a school here in NYC. Luckily we have all of you great people to go before us:) Good luck to Cyra at school!

E.F.G. said...

belt shmelt. just don't send her out into the world wearing a 6 inch mini-skirt so every time she sits on the floor with her legs crossed, it pops up around her middle exposing, well...everything.

Megan and Eric Barnhurst said...

Sweet little Cyra. She really is just too cute. Better lock her up, it's the best solution for a girl who can't do math. I am totally kidding!!! I hope she learns to love preschool soon, belt or no belt.

robaran said...

Love the first day of school shots. So adorable.

Ramona said...

Cyra-you rock

Ramona said...

from Chris

Amberli said...

what a big girl!!! yes, sweet little cyra, the big bad world is full of hard days but hang in there sweet thing, you can do it!!! and what cute little bunz!

mahya said...

Happy first day school happy honey
love you :*

Persianlass said...

Mehrsa Joon, your Cyra is such a cutie, as is her baby sister. Wish we could get together more often and have the girls play (Soraya and Cyra are days apart in age). Yes, the first day of school is always a little heart wrenching, she will be an academic whizz just like her Maman. Meeboosamet. Nadia