Friday, September 05, 2008

So the other day, I am cleaning underneath the couch and there is a little alphabet block stuck way back there so I get on my stomach and reach for it and it slides out further and Lucia is just watching me sort of adjust and try to get this thing. I reach my arm out as far as it can go under there (I think my "wingspan" is about 2 feet mind you). Anyway, I can't reach it and I am not going to try anymore. But wait, I'm stuck. I keep pulling my hand out, but it really hurts and the couch is all of a sudden squishing my arm and the couch is really heavy. But I'm not really stuck. I just need to move my shoulder or wiggle my arm around a little so I can get out, but no I'm stuck. And I just look at Lulu and she's still staring at me and now it seems that she's laughing at me. So I just start laughing and we are both laughing, but it's really not funny because I am stuck under the couch. (If Cyra were awake, I am sure she would have shown a lot more empathy). So I just stay there for a while and start to thinking how precious life is.... and limbs and long sticks that you can use to get things from under couches. And then I decided that I really needed to pull my arm out and I did and it really hurt and I got a big bruise.

I really wish I had a picture of me under there, but I thought this one of Cyra was cute and here's to hoping that she will be more coordinated and smoother than her mother.


Anonymous said...

By the looks of it she is already showing great coordination, not to mention smooth moves. You just needed your ninja outfit on before you got down to reach for that block.

Unknown said...

I want the caption of the photo to be "Introducing!!!" and then I kept on waiting for the end of the story to be about how she came down in her ninja outfit, wiggled to the spaces you couldn't get to, and then, with Valjeanean strength, hoisted the couch from off of you, watched you slide free, and then after restoring the couch, patted Lucia on the head and went back to whatever she was doing before. Regardless, sorry about your bruise and know that it was at least worth a good laugh from me. I thought it was hysterical writing.

naomi megan. said...

are those ninja clothes?

i love it.

and don't you love those moments where you're forced to look at life because you're suddenly "stuck?"

sorry to have laughed reading about your poor bruised arm, but picturing you under the couch with cyra giggling at you was too funny.

p.s. thanks for the funny link to synchronized swimming. loved it!

buchanancasa said...

Way to laugh at yourself. But sorry about the bruise. I, too, lament having a small wingspan and being short. I want to buy 10 matching stools for all over the house, so I can actually use the top shelves in my closets.
Kung Fu Cyra is adorable.

Aubrey said...

Isn't it nice that your kids aren't old enough to pull out a camera and document your predicament? Soon enough we won't be so lucky!

alexandra said...

My favorite line was that it made you think about how precious life is. Hilarious.

robaran said...

Great story--at least Lulu didn't bite you while you were in that compromised state.

ps. Shantaram is a great book so far.

Oliver & Margy said...

I love this little story, and that picture really is awesome. Isn't amazing how quickly we can become helpless? And don't worry - Lulu is a Libra, so one of these days the empathy will kick in. :)

The Gainors said...

i wish you got a picture of that too. or maybe a video that your friends and family could watch over and over again for hours on end.

Amberli said...

haha - i love it!

Shauna Brown said...

HAHAHAH!! Still laughing!! I can just see that little Lucia with a big smile laughing at her Mom, while sweat runs down her face! Is she still a little sweat ball? As for the Ninja outfit- Project Runway!!