Friday, August 01, 2008

Cyra's Baig

For the last month or so, Cyra carries her pink bag (an ugly cloth bag she found in some give-away pile) everywhere. To be honest, I think it's because mommy has a bag. She calls it a Baig, which is some sort of cross between a Utah and a Brooklyn accent. She stuffs her belongings in the bag and carries it everywhere. She won't even let me hold it for her while she plays...

Note her favorite T-shirt is also on. She also found that in a give-away pile and has to wear it every time she remembers it. Glitters and butterflies set on a fuschia background...I really hope her taste changes soon and she comes to appreciate the gender-neutral earth tones that mommy picked out for her.

As for the contents of the Baig, they vary, but there are a few constants:

The gun is for protection....? (more on that later)


celeste said...

This post made me laugh. I guess this is what I have to look forward to!

Trisha said...

I LOVE when my girls play with their bags...and love finding what's inside them. I love the gun. We have had that one too. And the "special" plastic bugs from the dollar store...It's always a surprise what you'll find inside!

Haydee said...


Marci + Dan said...

I love all your recent posts - you're on a roll (or your kids are on a roll)! The baig, the gun (which I noticed when we tended), the pink shirt, the city kids photo, the it all.

Kiasa said...

So funny! I'm already starting to loose the pink battle with Isabella (I once was all about gender neutral colors). And the purse too! Oh, I think we have just begun that phase!

Sara said...

If a girl is pink butterflies and frilly on the inside, there's no stopping her (sorry Jared). Don't come between her and her pink baig either. Hilarious. And so cute. Please tell her we miss her.