Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The House

So we are finally done with construction and here are the results. Drumroll....







(note: the paper chain hanging from that light is for upcoming birthdays and not a permanent decoration. Actually, neither is the light. We still need to change those)




(another note: this left wall is not done yet. We have a temporary desk here now, but Jared is going to build a bookshelf/desk thing into the wall. I will put those pictures up when he's done with that.)








This is the view from the front door right when you walk in



So you can't see much of the view from these shots, but that's the main reason we got this house. There are huge windows and huge views of beautiful Utah Lake and the mountains. So that's why we did the construction to this main room--so we could take advantage of the views.



After (kitchen):

More Afters:

And Lulu:


Trisha said...

I love the open rooms. They are so inviting!

buchanancasa said...

I love the kitchen, so clean and sleek. Is Lulu having nutella on toast and Annie's bunny crackers? She and Sarah are two birds of a feather.

Chelsea said...

Love it, love it, love it. I was looking at the kitchen for too long trying to figure out what is different about it and why it's so cool and it's that there are no above-counter cabinets! So sleek and clean, it's perfect. The floors are gorgeous. And the couch! Ahhh...

I bet you are so happy to have it done.

amy said...

wow i'm impressed! love that view, and major kudos to you for having the vision to turn it into what you wanted. it looks beautiful!

Sunny said...

That is a fine looking house you've got there. Nice work you guys. And the bananas are the perfect touch. You wondered if you moved to Utah just so you could buy a new couch? Yes. It's gorgeous.

mahya said...

Mobarake! your house is so beautiful.

Likely said...

AHHHHHHH!!!!!! You totally won the renovation race! Our kitchen is being installed this week.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR HOUSE!!! I love the open-ness. I want to ride my tricycle all over that big room.

You ended up keeping those chairs! ARen't those the ones you were maybe not going to keep , or were those different. Wait, maybe they were different. I just remember they were navy and low to the group, but maybe they were not the same... I just remember you saying, we want to get rid of those when I was up in NYC one time and I was racking my brain on how to get them in my car back to maryland.

GORGEOUS floors, love all of the natural light. I am so happy for all of you. Phew!!! How long was this process from begining to end for you? We are going on three months now.

Likely said...

low to the ground.... well, maybe low to the group too... depending on the height of the group... what a nerdy typo.

noelle regina said...

it looks so good mehrsa. can't wait to see what you do with it.

shayna said...

Oh I've been waiting for this for a long time. Do you really have your kitchen back? Oh I really love it, the whole thing. You must have a huge party to celebrate. It's such a perfect place for parties. Where did you get that couch? It's so gorgeous, really...The floor, the cabinets, the openness, the view, the globe lights. I could go on and on. Love your taste, love your family. Nice job.

josh.sandra.ava.davis.ella said...

seriously - how did all the talent god intended for the whole world get funneled into your family? holy moly!!! your house looks spectactular! i am, yet again, in awe as i look at all your family is doing and creating and becoming. utah is better for having you guys there! love

familia Bybaran said...

Thanks so much guys.So Jared is the mastermind for most of the project. I got to pick floors and the couch. The couch is room and board and I really like it too.
The whole project took about 3 months. We had a general contractor do it and he said it would be done in 3 weeks. The main holdup was the cabinets. We wanted to keep the original ones that were in here and the guy that was re-doing them took forever. It was really hard to live in our basement without a kitchen for so long, but we are happy with how it turned out. Thanks for saying such nice things.

And tiffany, those were our other chairs--we sold those in nyc. These are the chairs we got in Bali.

starr said...

Love it! Way to go guys. You did an amazing job. I LOVE the no kitchen overhead look. I am hoping we can pull it off in our house (space might be an issue for us). Way to hold out through all the construction!

Anonymous said...

Oh, all those kitchen drawers! I'm going to covet all your new space for a bit. Keeping the whole kitchen beneath counter level is genius! I think the paper chain is sweet, and I love how your print of the temple is in the "before" the "during" and the "after" pics. Lastly, I'd like to agree with Sunny; that couch is a perfectly acceptable reason to move across the country. xoxJess

Emily said...

Oh, it looks SO great you guys! And honestly, what were the original architects/owners thinking with the entryway as it was?! That wall completely blocking the view and that little shelf/counter thing? How awful.

Amazing vision to see the potential and tolerance to live through it. But don't you think you'll miss doing dishes outside... just a little bit?

Jodi said...

I LOVE IT! Good job! May I ask where you bought your floors? I love the color!

Marc said...

We'll move to Utah if we can have that house.

That's as close to a compliment as you'll get from me. I'm still feeling spiteful and spurned by your departure.

Leslie said...

oh my gosh, mehrsa! this is incredible. what vision you guys had! i love the sloped ceilings and the wide openness of it all. it's so mod and hip, just like you guys. :) i could look at these photos over and over, what a change!
i'm coming to visit next time we're at Sundance.

rubi said...


p.s. i love that lulu is making that face in a lot of the pictures.

Rebecca Smylie said...

Oh yeah, you guys are so good. So good at everything you do. I have a couple of suggestions of things you could do to make it more "regional"--but I'll email those to you.

Beck said...

Incredible!!!! I can't believe the vision the two of you had. Absolutely fantastic! What a beautiful home. I can't wait to come and visit sometime.

emily kate said...

It's so open and beautiful! I love it!

(Also, Lulu is awesome.)

nikki said...

This looks fantastic! I am so coveting your kitchen.

alexandra said...

What an amazing reconstruction! I always love to see what people can do with a space. I fear I have no vision. You guys really made that outdated house into a wonderful, beautiful home.

Shauna Brown said...

Excuse me mr. and mrs. design stars!! It looks amazing and soooo open- love it!! Great touch with the bananas on the counter- added some extra color to the kitchen:) It's so beautiful!

duke of earl said... it.

Allison and Noah Riley said...

Stunning! It looks really amazing. I can't get over the kitchen transformation.

The Gainors said...

so much fun. i must say i had no idea you had this talent mehrsa. you never cease to amaze. i love the NY influence. you're girls look great!

celeste said...

What an amazing transformation. So inspiring!