Tuesday, November 03, 2009


From left to right (me in middle school, the gorilla that attacked that lady, a flapper and a red octopus.)

I thought that Lulu would go nuts on Halloween. That it would be her every wish fulfilled. She loves wearing dresses, but what she loves most in this world is candy. I misjudged her. The goodies of Halloween could not compensate for the "CARY"--ness of it. It was way too scary or Lulu. At the church party we went to, she had to be held the entire time because there were a few scary costumes walking around the place.

Mackenzie and Basil, Cyra's friends from school came to the party with us.

Then we went trick-or-treating around Marcus Garvey park and we hit the jackpot. We went up and down two blocks and filled everyone's bucket with candy. There was even a guy giving treats out of his car AND silver dollars. I love Harlem. Needless to say, Lulu got really into it once she realized what was at stake. She could barely walk with all the candy in her hand and in her mouth and demanding to hold her giant bucket of goodies.

Trick-or-treating at the beauty salons and the bodegas was the best part.

Then, doing tricks high on candy.

No hands.

Then, we went to a party at our friends' house. The kids were wired, but delighted. A great halloween.

Just need to give out some props where props are due here. Jared thought up and made this costume by himself (well, Sunny helped too). It included sewing and safety pins and a trip to the craft store. Way to go Jared.

And this was the pre-halloween city party at Central Park. It was raining the entire time, but the kids had a blast.

Watching the dog show.

Eating Smartees.

Face painting.

Lulu's skeptical and then very serious about the whole thing.


Ramona said...

Wow 80's chick you are hot!! I also love that Jared's costume was only $5!! Of course the girls are super cute!!

Emily said...

I never knew there was such a good reason for keeping my old Birkenstocks around. Dang, I shouldn't have sold them at that last yard sale. Love the costumes!

Amberli said...

oh i love all the costumes! how classic are you in middle school? so funny. and cyra as her favorite red octopus! so clever!

noelle regina said...

i would recognize those jackets ANYWYERE - cause i had the same one. Briarcliff sports apparel?!?!?

Brecken said...

Love the tight role and berkinstocks! So classic junior high! Your girls were adorable. That's very impressive that Jared made that costume. speaking of... how did the marathon go? Hope all is well.

angie said...

Mehrsa, what can I say, you were hot in middle school!

Are Birks as comfy as I remember? I think it is time for me to revisit them.

e said...

Yes! THAT'S the mehrsa I know and love. :D

Rebecca Smylie said...

Oh man, I had to make the picture big to get a better look at you. The thing I love the most is that you still own clothes (and shoes) from back then. You really are one of the most loyal people I know.

sunny said...

Harper is not smiling in that picture because we didn't get her a cool bucket for trick-or-treating.
Thanks for the shout-out. I will shout out that Jared could have made the whole thing himself if it weren't for important phone calls.

The Gainors said...

is that middle school or freshman year? just kidding. i love the effort.

Trisha said...

Nice Birkenstocks. Looks like a fun time!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through the Apron Stage and I am SO glad I did. Your girls are adorable and hilarious and your writing is terrific. It's truly a favourite - thank you for sharing!

Chelsea said...

Ahahaha! I cannot stop laughing because when I opened your blog and saw your picture, I was like, "hey, that looks like Mehrsa in middle school." And lo, that was the look you were going for...

Megan and Eric Barnhurst said...

I second Chelsea's comment. You seemed so out of place sitting there on the steps with 2 kids and a husband because you really did look 14 again! Hilarious! BTW, where is the special post for Jared the marathon man? If I were him I would be seriously considering your commitment and love for him. I need details!

alexandra said...

What a fun Halloween! I love your idea for a costume. My version would be too painful, though. I love the photo of Lulu getting her very serious face painted. So hilarious.