Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Arranged Friendship

It would make me so happy to post a picture of these girls in 20 years in a real tent (camping in Southern UT on a break from BYU?). Harper would be reading; Adelaide would be listening to some great music; and Lucia would probably be really excited about something and talking really loud.


Jodi said... mother like daughter? ha ha ha!:) Just ya Baradaran!:)

Carolyn said...

Uh oh, there's another Adelaide in your life? Is that why we haven't gotten together in a while?

Miss you! Let's have a visit soon. Your adorable family is getting even adorabler.

Marci + Dan said...

So cute.

Sunny said...

If we have arranged these friendships so far, I don't see why we can't arrange that camping trip. What a great picture and post.

Rebecca Smylie said...

A great post. And I can see it happening. I mean, even if we don't all live together for the next 17 years, we'll vacation together (you guys like Uzbekistan, right?) and come freshman year, because our daughters will all respect and love their mothers so much, they'll try really hard to make it work.

The Gainors said...

sometimes moms know best. i'm sure my mom would have picked you for me.