Thursday, July 17, 2008

Zoo party

We went to the Central park zoo with the kids with Jared's firm and tried really hard to feed them as much junk food as we could during that time:

There were also cookies, fudgesickles, animal crackers, pretzels, and strawberry shortcakes. I hope my pediatrician isn't reading this, but then again, maybe this behavior will help Cyra break out of the bottom 5% for her weight.

And when they weren't eating...

Cyra, of course, asked for a "flower rainbow" on her arm and Kian got a rainbow.

Cool tricks...

Animals? What animals? Polar bears were asleep. Penguin tank was too cold; who knows where the monkeys were, but the fireflies were the biggest hit of the night.


umami girl said...

LOVE the zebra print. That's one chic zoo party guest.

duke of earl said...

hey mehrsa, my wife and i are in NY. don't have your contact info, but if you happen to get this before church and you could give us a time and address--maybe we could make it to the same meetings. justin earl (801)360-2455

Rebecca Smylie said...

I am so glad that you are the kind of mom who dresses her child in zebra print before going to the zoo.

The Gainors said...

so adorable. happy birthday jared and i hope you got ahold of justin. love ya

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

Adorable pictures. I miss seeing those two in nursery! Happy belated to Jared, sorry we missed the fun. Love the summer-throw-caution-to-the-wind attitude with all the goodies:)

Emily said...

So I'm just wondering what time those kids finally crashed from their sugar high? What a great way to spend an evening.

And I don't know if I can believe my eyes, but is Kian losing his curls?