Sunday, July 06, 2008

Eric and Elisse's Wedding

Awaiting the new couple's exit from the temple...

Watching them kiss...

It was hilarious to watch the kids. They were loving it! Look at Cyra leaning over to get a better look at the kissing. The boys were just giggling and covering their eyes. So cute.

Lucia having some bonding time with Grandma and Abuelita:

The look in their eyes is just total amazement:

The happy newlyweds already have kids climbing all over them. Sorry Elisse, that's what you get when you marry the youngest in a huge family.

No worries, the dress is washable and it's the temple, so the ground is clean, right?

Trying to figure out what's inside. (Note: Porter is about a year younger than Cyra. He is huge and quite active and tough. Several times during the weekend, he would just run up to Cyra and pummel her trying to play and she would come to me and say: "mommy, buddy boy over knock me" (aka: knocked me over) No idea why she called him buddy boy--maybe it had to do with the fact that he was running around the house in a diaper with socks on his hands and a helmet on his head).


Megan and Eric Barnhurst said...

Great pictures, Lucia's smile makes me laugh every time. Are you guys back yet? We have to come to NY soon, our days are coming to an end! Call me when you are back.

familia Bybaran said...

are you dying? hope you get better.

Anonymous said...

Good thing we're going to a wedding this summer. Looking at all these pictures reminds me that it's pretty fun to put on a fancy dress. Please post pictures of your hike soon. I will be jealous but I will get over it.

Chelsea said...

I love "buddy boy."

You guys look beautiful. Pretty family and pretty newlyweds.

naomi megan. said...

your sweet girls are too much. i don't think i'll ever get over how darling they are! lovely wedding photos aswell!

umami girl said...

hey mehrsa, how is the cutest family ever? lucia is getting big so fast! hope you guys are doing well. baby cope is due in 3 weeks, but we're hoping to see you soon anyway! xo, carolyn

Rebecca Smylie said...

I love the pic of you and Cyra. And my gosh Bybaran, you've really stepped it up. The new blog layout. The recent uptick in number of posts. The quality of the pictures. The jumping off a lot of rocks and taking pictures just so you could post them... Oh wait, no. Looks fabulous though. I've forwarded this link to Levi in hopes that it will contribute to my argument that we should spend our stimulus check on camping gear.