Thursday, June 05, 2008


Often, Cyra will be playing by herself and the baby will be sleeping and I am either doing stuff around the house or whatever and then things will be too quiet for a while and I will find a scene like this:

Yes, those are the contents of one of my closet drawers emptied into Lucia's crib. Why is my daughter sleeping in my closet, you ask? Because it's easier than having to climb stairs early in the morning to get her and I don't want her to wake Cyra up if I put them near each-other. AND so she can get awakened from a nice nap with garments thrown on top of her head.

Notice that she is not complaining either about the location of her crib or the current state of her situation.


Marci + Dan said...

Of course not. She's the happiest baby ever!

Anonymous said...

I love that your kids are always smiling! They just have really great parents!

Jade said...

I love putting babies in closets. In fact I wish more houses had small, secluded rooms (basically glorified closets) to put babies and small children in. Ezra has had some of his best nights in Chelsea's closet.