Thursday, April 10, 2008

The New York tease

Every April, New York throws you a bone. After you have just about convinced yourself that this is it, you cannot possibly tolerate another winter here, after you have almost forgotten what it was like to walk with your head up instead of inside your coat, after you are so frustrated with another miserable March with all its deceptive promises of spring warmth, there is that beautiful day in April. That was today. It's usually only one day--preceded by a wintery mix and followed by rain or an oppressive summer humidity, there is that lovely day in April where everyone in New York comes out (tentatively) from the winter lairs. They pack a jacket just in case, but wear a t-shirt just hoping that it really will be April weather outside. There is not an empty bench in any playground and everyone has a smile on their face. This day whenever it comes each year should be declared a city holiday--no school, no work, just come out and breath and remember that you are alive...because soon it's summer and you have to go back into hiding with your A/C blasting and your hand-held fan buzzing you with a watery mist. This one April day is when New York is the best place in the world to be (there are also a few days in September and October that resemble this April day--but those days are just so we can go out and collect berries and some Vitamin D before the winter forces us all inside our apartments for another 8 months).


Likely said...

wasn't yesterday gorgeous (Thurs, april 10th)???? Is this the day you are talking about? I can't see the date on your blog.

what an uplifting post. Loving Cyra's octopus being with her to enjoy the sunshine.

Likely said...

wait, now I see it in the above post. It was thursday. kinda fun that we share the same weather...

Shauna Brown said...

I feel your joy and your pain! It's snowing here- AGAIN!!! When are we going to CA??

Oliver & Margy said...

Perfectly captured. The city really does sparkle in a new light when spring first comes. Makes me so happy to be here. Glad you're able to get out and enjoy it!

Rebecca Smylie said...

So go figure. One day a year and I happen to be in Colorado. Where it snowed. Couldn't even see the mountains. Sincerely, Debbie.

Lane said...

Mehrsa--I found your blog through Celeste's. I just wrote about this same day. Isn't it magical? It's one of my favorite things about the city.

ps. you are a reading machine! I am so impressed at your well-read-edness on goodreads.