Saturday, May 14, 2011


From now on, I will be sharing my birthday week with little R.

My Birthday:

I was gone at a conference for a few days and got back the night before my birthday and Jared and the kids had made me a poster and set up a perfect day for me.

Jared got "me" the new Ipad. It was fun to play around with. Then we discovered cut the rope and the kids fell in love with it.

Then it was Ramona's birthday.

We took her shirt off before giving her a cupcake because we didn't want her to make a mess, but we must have forgotten what kind of child we had. She doesn't make messes.

"Thanks mom. I'm not really that hungry. I'll just have a salad and some water."

I finally had to force-feed her some birthday cake:

Happy Birthday, baby R.


Shauna Brown said...

I hope to dream of Ramona tonight. I love her. No, I really love her and her Mama isn't that bad either:)

pickygirl said...

awww, Ramona!! I love her. Shauna's right-- Mom's amazing, too.