Sunday, November 28, 2010

Halloween Post

Having Thanksgiving this week made me think about all of the things that I am thankful for and one of those things is Halloween:

Lulu getting her face painted:

The placement of lulu's tongue always reveals her mood. Here, it is pure concentration.

The kids came to trick-or-treat at the law school and Lulu made a candy train in my office.

This is actual trick-or-treating. Note the awesome halloween decorations that Jared made.

We walked around our neighborhood in the cold and rain, but it was worth it.


Rebecca Smylie said...

So apparently the soccer player vs. ballerina discussion was tabled this year. I, for one, like both of Cyra's costumes. And Lulu was a bumblebee? Or was she a honeybee? Either way, it broke my heart a bit because Adelaide was a bumblebee. What is this divide in our hive? And finally, Darien is the best looking giraffe I have ever seen. Miss you guys.

Shauna Brown said...

Okay, your nephew's face in the group pic as a giraffe- CLASSIC!

Sunny said...

Jared found the head to the gorilla costume? Or he sprung for a whole new costume? What a good looking bunch. And those decorations rule.

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

So fun to see how grown up and beautiful your girls are. I hope you are enjoying Utah as much as you did New York!