Sunday, August 01, 2010


My parents came out here for 4th of July weekend. It was my uncle's first time in America. We had a great time.

So I was trying to take pictures of Cyra and Kian together and this was the progession of events:

She smiles. Realizes it's not cool.

Then, she figures out what you are supposed to do. and does it:

Then it was Jared's birthday and we had some friends and family over and had a pinata:

And these are some pictures of the outside of the house: (we are doing some work on the inside so I will post before and after picks shortly).

this is the view from the deck:

the front:


Britney said...

I'm happy to see that you're having a good time in your new home. I'm jealous to see that everyone can run around barefoot.

shayna said...

Your lives look really fun. I need to come over more often.

Brecken said...

Mehrsa, it seems like you are loving Utah. I'm excited you are closer. Now I might see you more than once a decade:)

Megan and Eric Barnhurst said...

So strange to see you with the Provo mountains behind your house instead of the stoop on Madison! But I love it because it means you are so close now! Ramona is adorable! Can't wait to see you soon.

Jade said...

How is your mom so gorgeous?!

Chelsea said...

These are so great! I can't wait to see more pictures of your house. How's it looking?