Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We took the kids to see Santa at Macy's.

There was lots of cool stuff to look at.

They were in a trance.

Cyra told Santa she wanted "a puppy, but not a real one and a barbie doll." She heard about the latter at a recent play date. She did not (and will not) get one, but did get a nice grown-up Dora doll for Christmas that they thought looked just like Hediyeh and called it the Hediyeh doll. Way better than a barbie!

Lulu just stared into Santa's eyes and said hello.

Then we took the kids to McDonalds at Macy's and fed them french fries and ice cream. It was a zoo.

And this is the kids' home-made nativity. Lulu is always baby Jesus and Cyra is Mary. This box that accompanied some presents from their grandparents was one of their favorite toys by a long-shot.

We went to the Met for Christmas Eve to see their beautiful tree (that we could not take pictures of). I also didn't take pictures of Lulu pretending she was a puppy the entire time. She just crawled on her hands and knees and would go up to people and bark and try to lick them. Then, she would go up to the Rodin statues and hug them and say "My Friend!" and not let anyone look at them. It's a good thing the museum wasn't that crowded on Christmas Eve.

And this is a belly shot at 24 weeks. It's bigger than it looks in this photo.

Making wishes in the fountain.

Asking for pennies.

Cyra winding up to throw. Jared started handing out my nickles and quarters and I had to put a stop to the whole thing. I told Cyra she could buy candy with that money and she immediately pocketed it.

Christmas Morning:

Cyra was so excited to open her stocking (she woke up first). I think that would have been enough for her. I thought the girls were at such a perfect age this year. Christmas was so much fun. They were so happy and pleased with everything. Lulu was a little bit frantic with excitement. We did everything at our house and my parents came down. It was lovely.

Note Lulu's hair. She had to put on or try or open every present she got.

She was just so excited opening everything...until she got to the tights (Lulu hates having her legs covered. She is always in shorts or a dress (and shoes). Tights are her least favorite article of clothing). When she opened it, she just ran to me and said "I don't want it, tights!" and made sure I put them away quickly like it was some cruel joke to have wrapped the tights to look like all of the other presents.

She put on her dress and new fancy shoes and got on her bike and that was her day. Cyra was much more mature. She just put her presents away and picked her favorites to play with.

And we ended the day with a nice meal and some apple crisp and ice cream. The kids and I wish we could have Christmas every day.


Trisha said...

You look fabulous for 24 weeks! I can't even tell you are pregnant in this picture. Your kids are growing so fast! I'm so glad you guys had a great Christmas.

Chelsea said...

You know what I'm going to say, right? 24 WEEKS. Yeah, right! Oh my gosh Mehrsa.

I'm totally with you on the magic of Christmas with kids this year. It's SO fun! It's almost as fun as when I was a kid. I love it.

I love the pictures at the Met, and I love the Christmas morning pictures. Henry has those same dinosaur pjs from Costco. And Oliver has the pink ballerina ones because they were the only ones they had in 2T. (But you know I would have gotten them anyway just for fun.)

Brecken said...

I'm following the crowd with this one. you look great! I can't even tell you are pregnant in that picture!
glad you had a great Christmas holiday.

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

I love all the Christmas stories and pictures. The girls are just adorable and look so happy! It's fun to see the four friends together as well. We miss going to your beautiful home for parties and get-togethers. Have a wonderful New Year!

sunny said...

Merry Christmas indeed. What a nice way to spend Christmas Eve.

I don't think you can call that a belly shot since you can't see your belly since you don't actually have one. No offense.

scott and linds said...

I always think Christmas in New York would be so fun and you just proved it to me! Your girls are so adorable.. even if one likes to act like a puppy- puppies are always super cute ;) Hope you guys are well and CONGRATULATIONS on another baby girl to add to the chaos ;)

Likely said...

wait??? Was this a baby announcement or did I miss something in a previous post? Congratulations Mehrsa! I am so happy for your family. I hope you are feeling well!