Thursday, October 08, 2009

Lucia turns 2!

This is her first cake. My mom brought it down.

She had a really hard time blowing out that candle. Cyra had to exercise a lot of self-control not to blow it out.

Maybe it's in the cheeks.

Maybe if I get really close to it.

Then she got a Dora doll and she brushed her hair.

And fed her some strawberries.

Then...on her actual birthday (Sept 24th), we got them cupcakes, which they were really excited about.

Again, concentrating really hard.

And blowing her bangs out of her face.

Then, they started eating the cupcakes....

Until they pushed them away and decided they wanted eggs instead.

So I fed them eggs and threw away the cupcakes.

And then the Birthday Party with Harper.

Remember last year?

Let's see if you can guess which is the cake I made and which is the one Sunny made and who loves their kid the most:

Look at poor Adelaide in the corner who is the third musketeer, but who just happened to be born a few months later.

And that pink cake is the other perfect cake that Sunny made for Harper.

Lulu still having a hard time with the blowing of candles.

Harper clearly cannot understand this. (She just needs to look at the cakes again to remind herself that she clearly scored with the superior genes.)

Their adoring fans.

Lulu: "Hey, why don't you try some of this? Maybe you would consider a trade?"

Harper: "Listen, why don't you just stick with that and let me know how it tastes. Ok?"

After everyone left, we were just hanging out in the living room talking with Sunny and Marc and we noticed that the kids were moving toys around. When we finally got around to cleaning up, this was the scene:


Emily said...

First of all, that first picture is just adorable, and I'm probably not the first to tell you that I think Lulu is looking more and more like Cyra all the time.

Second of all, they chose the eggs?! Are you kidding me? Ruby is a frosting freak and would have licked both of their cupcakes clean. We're sad to have missed the party, but Ruby would be devastated that good frosting went to waste.

sunny said...

I laughed out loud hysterically the first and second time I read this. Whatever, superior genes. So I can make a cake look nice. You write 800 page papers about banking regulations and had to explain to me what an underwriter was when I was working for an underwriter.

Marc said...

I think she was talking about me, Sunny. No offense.

Jordan and Candice said...

I love this and I'm so sad we missed the festivities celebrating it all.

P.S. If you don't like your genes, give me some of them.

alexandra said...

so cute! i love the cake comparisons.

will turns two in a few weeks! the second one grows up so fast!

Megan and Eric Barnhurst said...

Happy Birthday Lucia! It sure doesn't feel like two years ago that she was "Female" Bybee. If love of children was measured by cake's attractiveness, my kids would have been taken away by social services a long time ago for neglect. We miss you guys, give Lulu a birthday kiss for us!

Trisha said...

I laughed so hard when I saw your cake. My sister Amber just moved into town and Kristin's 9th birthday is next week.(9th! I can't believe it!) She asked Kristin what kind of cake she wanted and Kristin said "strawberry." My sister decorates cakes for a living and started to laugh because she wanted a THEME and Kristin gave her a flavor. So you can tell what kind of mom I am with the cakes...I'm right in your category too! Happy Birthday sweet Lucia! Love the cute pictures!

Hula Girl said...

happy b-day lulu !!!!! hope you have a good birth day!! P.S. WHAT ...... YOU THREW AWAY THE CUPcakes!!!!!! WHY DID YOU NOT GIVE THEM 2 ME?! I SAY THAT THAT IS A WAST OF great, ....yumy,...woderful.... cupcakes.

Angelique said...

I love the picture where Lucia is "really concentrating" on blowing out the cupcake candle. Looks like she may blow it out with her eyes. And it doesn't matter what a cake looks like as long as it tastes delicious, which I'm sure yours did.

Chelsea said...

These are so great! Happy birthday Lucia. Those pictures of her blowing out the candle are priceless! I love Cyra patiently waiting. And I love the Hannna pjs. They looks SO cute.

Funny captions on the rest... love it.

Sara said...

Why is it that I have seen so many pictures with Cyra wearing those same striped pajamas?? What is with them- do they grow with her?? Did you buy multiple pairs in multiple sizes?? What is up with the jammies??

scott and linds said...

These pics are great! I can't believe how much bigger she is already getting! Happy Birthday! looks like fun!

Rebecca Smylie said...

Poor Adelaide nothing. She still thinks that party was for her.